Who I Am

Like a photo, a well-chosen word conveys much meaning in a simple concept. Our name insights two such concepts: the illumination necessary for exposing photographic images, and the internal light and beauty of the subject.

I landed on Alight as a company name to buffer between myself as a person, and myself as an artist. Alight is just me, Gemma. As a writer or actor may scratch pen-name or stage name, Alight is an alias used for my work behind a camera.

Photography is an obsession and creative outlet I can take with me on the road as a geologist and novice adventurer. When I began, I shot the fantastic and obvious beauty of Alaska, I began noticing other things, the otherwise unnoticibles. A parking lot puddle, the chaos of a fisherman’s mound of nets and floats, a pigeon covered dock.

Much of the “unnoticeables” I photograph is utilized as iStock. I am particularly drawn to shadows and patterns. My images have been featured in news articles, websites, pamphlets, billboards. My works depicting rural Alaskan community living are often the first to show up on a Google search or Wikipedia article. Portrait work and branding began as a way to help friends of mine out with their needs. Soon, it gained traction and I was accepting paid gigs happily!

All you need to know about me is that I love capturing a moment through photos. Turning that person or thing in front of me into a tangible image is oddly one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. I am also a mother, a wife, an Air BnB host, and purveyor of everything beautiful.

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